I was still upset and frustrated and now my diet was blown sure i can start again on Monday and probably the Monday after that but every new year's resolution for 40 years was lose weight again in 2012 i was starting down my 50 th birthday and i realised something has to change you see i know all the diets i just couldn't stick to any of them so i got on the Internet it was doing some research and i ran across this piece of advice that seemed absolutely ridiculous only eat when you were hungry.
Who the phone where is the fun in the red well you kind of have to work with it so that idea actually juggled my world you see on my family when we were upset why ain't you get a little bored we ate do you need a little comfort that is it we ate soothe ourselves an emotional sabotaged every diet i ever tried harvard a university on the east coast of the United states recently, released a study it is called diet fits they were trying to work out what the genetic component is for weight loss.
They didn't find that but what they did was that the issue was not the diet the issue was emotional eating indeed well it took me a little while but i did finally lose my weight and the best part five years i have not gained it back i learned other ways to soothe my self and since then i have helped lots of women and a few men get a handle on their emotional eating and i believe you have it within you to get free from emotional eating and for the next seven minutes.
I am going to show you how do we lose weight and keep it off let's do three steps step one break that diet yo yo mindset see if we don't believe it is possible it is not likely it happened and when we break thwt diet yo yo mindset we start from the place where we believe it is possible do you have that idea within you and if not let's consider a few questions.
What skills or talents have helped you succeed in other areas how could you use them there what is it that makes you think you, can't succeed do you want to succeed and for some of you is there a danger for you in succeeding we have to tease out those subtle beliefs and agreements we have made that trap us in that mindset and if you do you might find that trap is nothing than tissue paper.
Step two recognize that a diet is not just for weight loss what you learn is training for what works for your body you dont learn from all those diets lots of things ones portion sizes our portion sizes are so stood for example depending on your program because they are all different a portion size a protein is about the size of your palm, measure that against your standard restaurant serving.
Soo dhawoow wllo