Hi everyone i am waagsantv today what we are going to go overis the five steps to losing weight. So why are the three steps to losing weight answer to this is that obesity and weight gain is really a multifunctional disease that is lots of different factors play in to gaining weight so therefore you have to address all of those factors just like there is no single cause of weight gain there is no signal cause of other diseases either like heart disease so in heart disease for example smoking exercise age, your sex those are all important and play a role same for weight gain.
Reduce added sugars, so added sugars is different from the natural sugars that you find in foods by several different ways one is that you can't artificially increase the amount of sugar, so if you eat a bowl of cherries there is sugar in them but you can't keep making them sweeter and sweeter as opposed to say sugary cereal, where you can just keep adding sugar and it will get sweeter and sweeter and the problem is that alot of times that sugar is hidden from us, if you read the food labels you will find many different names by which sugar comes under so people will say sucrose, glucose, fructose invert sugar hydrolyzed starch corn sweeterner high fructose corn syrup all of those are synonyms for basic sugar.
And the reason they do that is so that when you read the label you don't realise quite how much sugar is contained in those foods, the main foods you want to avoid are fairly logical so things like sweets and candies and chocolates and cakes and pies and donuts, but also in things like jams and jellies sometimes in things like peanut butter there are certain peanut butters that add sugars to it sauces are also very high in sugar spaghetti sauces ketchup barbecue sauces sweet and sour sauces they can have alot of sugar and may not realise it. Snacks and desserts obviously are going to be very high in sugar most of the time so those entire sort of times to eat are ones that you want to limit if you are trying to lose weight.
Reduce refined grains what we are talking about here is predominantly the things such as white flour but also white potatoes and white rice, the problem with a lot of these grains is that they are highly processed and highly refined so in order to make flour what they have to do is reduc alot of the other constituents that you would normally get so they take out the protein they take out the fat they take out like the most of the bulk, from going from wheat to flour and what you are left with is very purified carbohydrates but more than that as they grind it into flour.
Which is a very fine dust it increase the speed of absorption so therefore you get this really quick rise in your blood glucose and that may cause a problem because your insulin levels may rise and fall very quickly it my stimulate, to eat other things so the things made with white flour for example, cakes and cookies muffins donuts but also a lot of bread those are things that you may want to reduce and i think that most people have recognised that people can become very addicted to sort of foods and may find it very hard to stop eating these foods.
Eat moderate protein, protein is really important to help rebuild your body, your body needs protein so there are certain amino acids which are breakdown products of protein that we need if we don't get it we are not going to be healthy so it's very important that we get enough protein, protein also increase the satiety that is when you eat foods that are high in protein you tend to feel more full just like if you were to eat eggs and bacon in the morning, versus a slice of toast and jam the difference is all that protein and all that fat is going to make you feel full for longer so protein is very important, but its hard to get too much protein because it's hard to eat on its own along the same lines, make sure tht you're not afraid of eating natural.
So for years we told people to avoid eating dietary fat because it was going to cause heart disease over the last 30 40 years turns out that advice probably wasn't entirely true by the 2010s a lot of people were starting to realize that a lot of natural fats, can be very healthy for you so the term healthy fats became reintroduced so things like nuts and avocados and olive oil and and fatty fish, we recognise that these are very healthy foods for you full fat dairy for example may also be quite important to make us feel full so that when we eat we are not hungry 20 minutes later.